Borgmann-Style Mini-Game

Restorative Engagement


  • In this mini-game inspired by Albert Borgmann's philosophy of technology, employees embark on a journey that challenges the pervasive culture of technological consumption and encourages mindful engagement with the world.

  • Players are presented with a virtual environment that simulates a natural and unspoiled setting, evoking a sense of connection to the physical world.

  • The game incorporates elements of exploration, interaction with nature, and the completion of meaningful tasks that require physical and sensory engagement.

  • Players can engage with virtual elements representing tangible, real-world activities such as gardening, cooking, or craftsmanship, each designed to offer a sense of embodiment and connection.

  • The game encourages players to disconnect from their devices and embrace a slower, more deliberate pace of interaction, mirroring Borgmann's call for focal practices.


  • This Borgmann-inspired mini-game aims to challenge the prevailing culture of technological distraction and promote mindful, engaged, and embodied interactions with the world.

  • By immersing employees in a virtual environment that represents meaningful and tangible activities, the game encourages them to reconsider the value of focal practices and their role in a balanced life.

  • The deliberate pace and sensory engagement within the game prompt players to appreciate the richness of physical experiences and the importance of disconnecting from constant digital stimulation.

  • Encouraging players to complete tasks that mirror real-world activities fosters a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, echoing Borgmann's idea that focal practices offer a deeper sense of meaning and satisfaction.

  • The game invites employees to reflect on the impact of technology on their lives and the potential for restoring a more balanced and meaningful engagement with the world.

  • Ultimately, the mini-game serves as a tool for fostering a sense of connectedness to the physical world, mindfulness, and an appreciation for the value of focal practices in the digital age.

In this Borgmann-style mini-game, employees engage in a virtual journey that challenges the dominance of technology and encourages a return to meaningful, embodied engagement with the world. By simulating tangible activities and prompting reflection on the impact of technology, participants gain a deeper understanding of Borgmann's philosophy and the value of focal practices in cultivating a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Bonus Scenario: Focused Engagement in the Virtual Workspace

Step 1: Introduction

  • The mini-game begins with an introduction to a virtual workspace that emphasizes focused engagement.

  • Players are informed that they will explore an environment designed to encourage deliberate and meaningful interactions.

Step 2: Simplicity and Engagement

  • Players are presented with a clean, simplified virtual workspace, free from distractions and unnecessary features.

  • The game prompts players to engage with intentionality, emphasizing the value of focused attention.

Step 3: Technology Integration

  • The game introduces various technological elements, such as virtual whiteboards, collaborative documents, and communication tools.

  • Players are encouraged to use these tools mindfully, considering their role in enhancing focused engagement.

Step 4: Task-Oriented Challenges

  • Players are presented with task-oriented challenges that require problem-solving and collaboration.

  • The game emphasizes the importance of using technology as a means to accomplish specific tasks and goals.

Step 5: Minimalist Design

  • The virtual workspace adopts a minimalist design philosophy, focusing on essential elements that support productive work.

  • Players are prompted to consider the impact of design choices on their ability to stay engaged and on task.

Step 6: Collaborative Engagement

  • Players engage in collaborative activities within the virtual workspace, such as brainstorming sessions or project discussions.

  • The game highlights the role of technology in facilitating meaningful collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Step 7: Borgmannian Discussion

  • The game culminates in a discussion session where players share their experiences and reflections on focused engagement.

  • Participants discuss the relevance of Albert Borgmann's philosophy to their understanding of technology's role in the workplace.

Step 8: Debriefing and Philosophical Dialogue

  • The mini-game concludes with a debriefing session where players engage in philosophical dialogue about technology and focused engagement.

  • Participants reflect on how their experiences can inform their use of technology to create meaningful interactions in the workplace.

This Borgmann-inspired scenario immerses employees in a virtual workspace that promotes focused engagement and intentional technology use. By experiencing a simplified and minimalist environment, collaborating on task-oriented challenges, and reflecting on their engagement, participants gain practical insights into Albert Borgmann's philosophy of technology and its application to fostering meaningful interactions and productivity in the workplace.

Game #2: "Borgmann’s Focal Point"


To enhance mindfulness, attentiveness, and a sense of community in a virtual meeting environment, inspired by Borgmann’s philosophy on technology and its impact on human interactions and relationships.


1 minute.


  1. Mindful Moment (15 seconds):

    • The game begins with a brief moment where all participants close their eyes and take a deep breath, centering themselves in the present moment.

    • This phase represents Borgmann’s concept of ‘focal things and practices,’ emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and presence in the digital age.

  2. One-Word Check-In (30 seconds):

    • Participants take turns to share one word that describes their current state or feeling. This could be anything from 'hopeful' to 'stressed'.

    • This activity fosters a sense of community and attentiveness to each other’s emotional states, reflecting Borgmann’s advocacy for genuine human connections.

  3. Collective Focus (10 seconds):

    • The group then quickly decides on a common word or theme that emerged from the check-in and reflects on it together.

    • This part of the game encourages a sense of unity and shared focus, aligning with Borgmann’s philosophy of communal engagement and presence.

  4. Reflective Closure (5 seconds):

    • The game concludes with a brief reflection on the importance of taking a moment to connect genuinely with each other, even in a digital space.

    • This closing emphasizes the need to balance technology use with moments of real human connection and reflection.

Key Features:

  • Mindfulness Practice: Encourages participants to be present and mindful, countering the often distracting nature of technology.

  • Emotional Connectivity: Fosters an environment where participants can share and acknowledge each other’s emotional states, strengthening community bonds.

  • Collective Engagement: Highlights the importance of shared experiences and focal practices in creating meaningful connections in virtual spaces.

"Borgmann’s Focal Point" would be a simple yet profound game, enhancing virtual meetings by encouraging mindfulness, attentiveness, and genuine human connections, inspired by Albert Borgmann’s philosophical insights on technology and human engagement.

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