Levinasian Mini-Game

Ethics of Encounter


  • In this mini-game inspired by Emmanuel Levinas's philosophy of ethics and the face-to-face encounter, employees engage in a reflective journey that emphasizes ethical responsibility and the recognition of the Other.

  • Players navigate a virtual environment where they encounter virtual characters representing diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

  • The game encourages players to engage in meaningful dialogues and interactions with these virtual characters, each of whom presents unique challenges, dilemmas, and stories.

  • As players engage in conversations and make choices, the game dynamically adapts to reflect the ethical consequences of their actions, fostering a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.

  • The game incorporates moments of reflective silence, where players are encouraged to pause and contemplate their ethical decisions and the impact of their interactions on others.


  • This Levinasian-inspired mini-game serves as an exploration of ethical responsibility, the face-to-face encounter, and the recognition of the Other, aligning with Emmanuel Levinas's philosophy.

  • By immersing employees in virtual encounters with diverse virtual characters, the game prompts them to consider their ethical responsibilities toward others and to engage in authentic, empathetic interactions.

  • The challenges and dilemmas presented within the game encourage players to reflect on the ethical implications of their choices and actions, echoing Levinas's emphasis on ethical awareness and responsibility.

  • Moments of reflective silence foster contemplation, allowing participants to consider the ethical dimensions of their interactions and the recognition of the unique humanity of others.

  • Through meaningful dialogues and interactions, the game aims to promote a sense of empathy, compassion, and ethical engagement, reflecting Levinas's belief in the significance of the face-to-face encounter.

  • Ultimately, the mini-game serves as a tool for fostering ethical sensibility, empathy, and a deepened understanding of Levinasian ethics in the context of virtual interactions.

In this Levinasian mini-game, employees embark on an ethical journey that emphasizes the importance of recognizing the Other and engaging in authentic, empathetic encounters. By navigating virtual dialogues and reflecting on their ethical choices, participants gain a deeper understanding of Levinas's philosophy of ethics and the significance of ethical responsibility in their interactions with others, even within the confines of a virtual environment.

Bonus Scenario: Ethics of Encounter

Step 1: Introduction

  • The mini-game begins with an introduction to a virtual environment designed to explore ethical encounters.

  • Players are informed that they will engage in a series of encounters that emphasize responsibility and the face-to-face relationship.

Step 2: Encounter with the Other

  • Players are placed in virtual face-to-face encounters with avatars representing other participants.

  • The game prompts players to engage with empathy and respect, emphasizing the ethical dimension of these interactions.

Step 3: Responsiveness

  • Throughout the encounters, players are encouraged to respond genuinely to the emotional and ethical cues of the virtual Others.

  • The game highlights the importance of responsiveness and responsibility in interpersonal relationships.

Step 4: Ethical Dilemmas

  • Players encounter virtual scenarios that present ethical dilemmas related to workplace situations, diversity, and decision-making.

  • The game challenges players to make ethical choices that consider the well-being of Others.

Step 5: Reflective Journaling

  • Players engage in reflective journaling within the virtual environment, documenting their ethical experiences and decisions.

  • They can explore their feelings of responsibility and the impact of their actions on Others.

Step 6: Encounter with Vulnerability

  • The game introduces encounters with virtual characters who embody vulnerability and dependence.

  • Players are prompted to reflect on their ethical responsibility towards those in vulnerable positions.

Step 7: Levinasian Discussion

  • The game culminates in a discussion session where players share their experiences and reflections on ethical encounters and responsibility.

  • Participants discuss the relevance of Emmanuel Levinas's philosophy to their understanding of ethics and interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

Step 8: Debriefing and Philosophical Dialogue

  • The mini-game concludes with a debriefing session where players engage in philosophical dialogue about ethics and the face-to-face encounter.

  • Participants reflect on how their experiences can inform their approach to ethical decision-making and empathetic leadership in the workplace.

This Levinasian-inspired scenario immerses employees in a virtual world of ethical encounters and responsibility. By engaging in face-to-face interactions, navigating ethical dilemmas, and reflecting on their responsibility towards Others, participants gain practical insights into Emmanuel Levinas's philosophy of ethics and its application to fostering empathetic and responsible relationships in the workplace.

Game #2: "Levinas's Empathy Exchange"


To enhance empathy and understanding among team members in a virtual setting, inspired by Levinas’s philosophy of ethics and responsibility towards others, thereby fostering a more supportive and effective meeting environment.


1 minute.


  1. Quick Role Assignment (10 seconds):

    • At the start, each participant is randomly assigned another participant's role or perspective. This could be done through a quick automated process or pre-assigned roles.

    • The objective is to momentarily adopt someone else’s viewpoint, a concept reflecting Levinas’s focus on the importance of understanding 'the Other'.

  2. Perspective Sharing (30 seconds):

    • Each participant briefly shares a thought or concern related to the virtual meeting, but from the perspective of the person they've been assigned.

    • This exercise fosters empathy and encourages participants to consider viewpoints different from their own, aligning with Levinas's ethical philosophy.

  3. Reflective Feedback (15 seconds):

    • After each sharing, the group quickly acknowledges the perspective shared, either through a simple gesture like a thumbs-up or a brief word of acknowledgment.

    • This phase is about recognizing and validating the viewpoints of others, a key aspect of Levinas's ethical interpersonal relations.

  4. Concluding Insight (5 seconds):

    • The game concludes with a brief moment of collective reflection on the importance of empathy and understanding in virtual communications.

    • This closing moment reiterates the value of considering diverse perspectives for more effective and ethical virtual meetings.

Key Features:

  • Role Reversal: Encouraging participants to speak from another’s viewpoint fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of colleagues.

  • Ethical Interaction: The game is rooted in the ethical responsibility to listen and respond to others, a central tenet in Levinas’s philosophy.

  • Reflection on Communication: It highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in communication, especially in virtual settings where nuances can be lost.

"Levinas's Empathy Exchange" would be a simple yet profound game, enhancing the quality of virtual meetings by fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of each other, inspired by the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.

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