Deleuzian Becoming in Virtual Interactions

Unraveling Fluidity in the Digital Fabric

Gilles Deleuze's profound philosophy of becoming, intricately intertwined with the concept of rhizomatic structures, offers a unique lens through which we can dissect the dynamics of virtual meetings. Deleuze posits that becoming is an ever-evolving, fluid process, challenging static categorizations and inviting a continuous transformation of identities and relations. In the context of virtual interactions, the question emerges: How does the virtual space, often marked by its digital rigidity, either foster or impede the Deleuzian process of becoming?

Virtual engagements, characterized by the screen-mediated interface and the structured nature of online meetings, may initially appear antithetical to Deleuze's emphasis on fluidity. The linear progression of agenda items and the predefined frameworks seem to constrain the spontaneous emergence of becoming. However, within this seemingly rigid digital fabric, Deleuzian becoming invites us to seek out the points of potential deterritorialization, where the structures can be disrupted, and new, unexpected trajectories of thought and interaction can arise.

Here lies the potential significance of external stimuli. Much like Deleuze's rhizomatic structures that spread laterally rather than hierarchically, external stimuli can introduce multiplicities and connections that cut across the linear progression of virtual meetings. The incorporation of dynamic elements could serve as a catalyst for deterritorialization, disrupting the predetermined course of the virtual encounter and opening avenues for novel connections and discussions.

In contemplating the Deleuzian becoming in the virtual realm, our research underscores the need for interventions that disrupt the linear and predetermined nature of virtual interactions. By introducing elements that challenge the status quo, we can initiate a process of becoming that aligns with Deleuze's philosophy, creating a more fluid, dynamic, and transformative engagement within the digital landscape. The pursuit of such interventions echoes Deleuze's call to embrace the complexity and multiplicities inherent in the process of becoming.

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